Down in sleepy Toy Town it's High Noon. The streets are deserted, the saloon keeper has shut up shop, and the piano player has fallen suddenly silent. Rumour has it that The Good, The Bad and The Cuddly are riding into town, and the varmints are tanked up on cheap honey and spoiling for a fight!

Eureka brings you a range of Western Teddy Bear heroes and villains, featuring the notorious The Good, The Bad and The Cuddly and many other colourful 'Cow Bears' from the Furry Frontier. The range includes Cow Bears, Bandit Bears and Teddy Bears riding the range of hobby-horse stallions - looking to round up those stubborn Toy Town Long Horn cattle. We have even provided a false front Teddy Bear Trading Post to allow you to build Furry Frontier street scenes.
So, are you now inspired to re-fight the infamous Picnic at the OK Corral? Well, Greg Hallam has written the rules for you to do just that. They are called 'A Fist Full of Honey' and are fun and easy to play.
Download the "Fist Full of Honey" rules – they’re FREE! |
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